I'm flight39 and I can't draw or animate for the life of me, but I can make music. You can find me on Myspace at http://www.myspace.c om/flight39band .


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flight39's News

Posted by flight39 - October 27th, 2011

Hello, Newgrounds! It's been a while since I've done anything on this account, because I've retired it. I've decided to make this post because I never really explained where I went after the end of last year.

This April I had made a song and was ready to publish it as flight39, but I decided I wanted a different artist name for it - so I chose ochrence and uploaded it to Newgrounds and YouTube under that name. I made another song as ochrence and then started making an album out of all of my (salvageable) songs that I had put on Newgrounds over the years.

I fixed distortion, made small tweaks here and there, retitled songs, and in one case made major revisions to a song. The end result was Disorder, and as of today it is on iTunes here. In the coming weeks it will be on Spotify, Rhapsody, Napster, and all sorts of other music websites. It consists of my songs over the past couple of years (in a much higher bitrate, for music snobs like myself).

You can buy it for $8.91 there (those who know what Google is will probably be able to buy it for a lesser price). All of the money I get from this will go towards new musical gear, and a possible home studio setup. Maybe with a faster computer I'll be able to sing on my songs as well, as I have experience doing such work in rock bands.

So, yes. I am still alive and well and making music on Newgrounds. It's just under a different account. Be on the lookout for more music (coming from ochrence, not flight39) in the future. In the meantime, I am excited to have released my first official album.

With motivation,

tl;dr: I made an album. Buy it here.

Posted by flight39 - March 19th, 2011

Please read this. I know it's hard to grab someone's attention on the internet these days with a huge wall of text (that's what the title was for), but I would like to hear what you have to say about it.

I've done a number of things with my allotted bandwidth. Not trying to brag, of course, but for years I've been scouring it for ways to get viewers and do what I like to do online, which includes blogging, filmmaking, and, on this account, musical artistry (if you call what I make "art"). The internet is a wonderful place on which you can post your labors of love and watch your fanbase steadily grow. And I've had a few fans and a few critics and it was all very well - probably my most successful posting of anything on the internet was a YouTube video that I made of my chiptune version of the song "Down Under" by Men at Work, which now has about 8400 views.
So I've never been all that popular and that's fine with me, because as long as you have a few people who like you, you have a reason to keep going on. However, I like to take long breaks from my work sometimes - breaks to work on another medium of art, or perhaps breaks for no purpose at all other then to take a rest after the exhausting, fast-paced world of the internet. But the internet doesn't like that very much. And lately I've been noticing something very unsettling.
Lately, it's been getting harder and harder to get noticed on websites. Maybe it's just bad luck, I don't know. But here, for example, there sure seems to be a bit of an upsurge in downvoters lately. Their numbers have increased and as a result it's harder to get noticed unless you've already been noticed.
I've realized this is due to the fact that more and more people have started to come to Newgrounds. And I've developed a bit of a theory. I like to call it the Cramped Artist theory. It's probably been stated a thousand times already, but just because more people might be aware of it after reading it, here it is:

As a new media-sharing website starts up and new users start to pour in, the difficulty of getting noticed and building a loyal fanbase through that website decreases and keeps decreasing until it hits what I call the 'central point'. (The number of users a website has when at the central point is hard to define, but I like to define it as a website with gaining popularity and already a few big names where you can gain a few friends that actually care about what you have to say and you will start memorizing usernames that you see all over the place.) At the central point during a website's lifetime, if you are new and unique to the scene, your productions are most likely to get noticed by important people.
But then, once a website has reached this crucial size and more people keep pouring in, the website reaches a stage of decline (i.e. it's harder and harder to get noticed, gain friends, etc.) At this point the number of users who share content has become huge, and they're all trying to grab attention away from one another and be famous.
However, normal people aren't interested in new artists anymore, since the views are too spread out and there's too much to choose from, too much to sort through to find something you like. More artists and less viewers view the new content, and those artists are often fickle viewers only trying to promote their own work, secretly despising everyone else's (the type of comments you'll see a lot in this stage of a website are "Great song! It sounds a lot like me! Check my videos out at youtube.com/desperatelywhoringmyselfou t!) Normal people will likely check out the more popular content instead. The website develops into a system, in other words, that rewards people who have already been there, rather than people arriving there. But that doesn't stop people from coming to try and promote their content, bloating the website further.
In a declining website, to gain major popularity, you often need to start selling out your beliefs, your image, and everything else about you in order to appeal to the normal people who are used to watching the popular videos or listening to the popular songs. Diversity is often crushed, and it all gets worse over time until there is a major change in the website's workings or until the website 'dies', like Myspace did a few years ago.

I think Newgrounds is an excellent website and has had some measures put in to prolong its growth and not let it get stagnant, but we need to change something to halt this decline further before it starts getting like the musical branch of Myspace, which has become the place where no-hope bands desperately sell themselves out for views that will never come to their page, or YouTube, a website that is quickly becoming the same thing. And we need to change websites all over the web, for through this process, the more options you have for websites, the less websites will likely progress into a state of decline, and the more diversity there will likely be.
If anyone has kept reading this post until this point, please spread the word about it. I really think that if more people were aware of this then we might be able to fix it before it gets out of control. Sort of a grassroots internet movement. Where the grass is pixelated. The internet used to be a place where anyone could get popularity, and now it's become a lot more exclusive. Perhaps we could return it to a golden age again.
Maybe I'm completely delusional, but those are my two cents. Take this rant as you will, and if you want to say something, don't hesitate to comment on it.
Signing off,

Posted by flight39 - December 13th, 2010

Happy holidays! It feels like it's been years since I've made a new news post, and lots of things have happened since then! I've released two full songs on this account (Mercurial and Revolution) and an EP (at this link), so if you haven't checked those out yet, I'd be very appreciative if you told me what you thought of them.

Also: I would like to do a collab with some vocalist. Male, female, doesn't really matter to me. Just PM me and we'll talk.

Until later,

Posted by flight39 - June 21st, 2010

Hi NGers!
A few weeks ago I made a remix of the excellent song Making Me Nervous by Brad Sucks.
I'm not sure what Newgrounds thinks about remixing outsiders, even if their music is released under Creative Commons like Brad's, so I'm not going to upload the remix here until I'm sure that it's okay with Fulp and the rest of the admins. But you can stream and download it on CCMixter using this link.

(If for some reason you couldn't click on that link, the URL is http://ccmixter.org/files/flight_39/26 994 .)

Anyway, I think this may be my best release yet so you should go check it out and recommend it if you like it, because I want people to view this one. I think it might have the potential to be almost kind of big.


P.S. As always, if you're looking for a letdown, expect something new from me in the next coming weeks.

Posted by flight39 - April 4th, 2010

I'm still alive. Well, kind of. I still need to be dusted off a little but then I'll be ready to go. My computer's hard drive got replaced, and FL Studio is now up and running on this one, so expect a new dance song to be up soon, after all this waiting. And after that, I'm doing another 8-bit sort of thing for the people who liked the 8-bit remix of Down Under. (And if I actually keep both of those promises, I'll have to have had a complete personality change.)

Until next time,

P.S. And if you have nothing at all to do with me and you just clicked on the post because of the title, I told you not to look at it. Don't whine to me in the comments section about making false titles for posts. It's not like I said I had cancer.

P.P.S. But while you're here you might want to check out some of my music. I would recommend 'Things Aren't the Same', it's my best.

P.P.P.S. And maybe you could make a Paypal donation too... no? Okay, I tried.

Posted by flight39 - February 8th, 2010

Damn. This really happened. I was looking through a book browsing through Amazon when the computer froze, and I had to hold its button to shut it down, and now I'm getting a STOP error whenever I try to turn it on even in safe mode. I've tried the whole recovery console and fixmbr and chkdsk /r and all of that technical stuff, but it hasn't done anything, and hasn't even come close to finding or solving the major problem I seem to have.

And of course this had to be the sole computer I had music-making software on.
So now all of my software, music files, and anything else I had in that desktop computer's giant memory bank is completely gone unless some sort of miracle happens. So yeah; expect a hiatus, Newgrounds Community. Expect a loooooong hiatus.

On a lighter note, F-777 is going to remix my song "Things Aren't the Same" as part of his Remix Newgrounds series! I can't wait to hear it.

Posted by flight39 - December 19th, 2009

<a>http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/lis ten/297212<a>

Posted a new song, Number Twelve (Demo). It's my holiday gift to Newgrounds. #1 on the dance charts, and there it has stayed - longest time for me so far, so check it out!

Question: What holiday do you celebrate around this time of year (if you do)? I celebrate Christmas even though I'm not really all that religious.


Posted by flight39 - November 14th, 2009

What's up interwebs? It's flight39, here to tell you that I have made a new revision to Break Free. Check it out, tell me what you think:
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /288097

Posted by flight39 - October 25th, 2009

What's up, guys? Just put up a new song, Break Free. It sorta sounds half dance/hardstyle, half-some pirate ship song. Feel free to check it out and leave some suggestions, I'm always looking for ways to improve.

Posted by flight39 - September 19th, 2009

And guess what? It's not any of the four songs that I mentioned in my last post!

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /273701
flight39 - Plan One

Yes, it's called Plan One. I couldn't think of anything else.
So like / dislike?
Tell me in a comment or review!
